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Freelancers: Stop Designing Websites from Scratch!

Freelancers enjoy the amount of freedom they have, but it can come with a price. They often face distractions and other unique circumstances that normal working people don’t normally encounter.

The nature of freelancer’s work often brings with it sometimes unexpected and tight deadlines; hence the need to get some jobs done in a minimum amount of time.

Timely delivery of products is the goal of most freelancers, and is the topic of discussion here.

Today, we are sharing these four tips and guidelines that will increase a web design freelancer’s productivity.

1) Start with Be Theme Pre-Built Websites

These pre-built websites come with the most intuitive installer of its type on the market. This cool 40-second video shows you just how quick and easy Be Theme pre-built websites can be installed.

Don't start from scratch like these guys who invented a new way of designing websites. Click here to watch the spoof.

The advantage? You can skip wireframing and prototyping – and coding as well!

Check out these 15 Pre-Built Website Examples:

Be Artist

Be Theme Artist

Are you a little disappointed with your current website’s look and feel? This pre-built website with its parallax effects and JS portfolio filtering offers a modern look. You can change the dark design any way you want.

Be eLearning

Be Theme E-Learning

eLearning is everywhere these days. If you have an online business in this niche, it would be a shame to rely on a poorly designed website. This pre-built website’s layout is fresh looking and easy to navigate.

Be Tiles

Be Theme Tiles

This Be Tiles pre-built website’s message is all about the advantages of good interior design; with the product front and center. The layout of the graphic elements looks as if it is the work of a professional architect.

Be Burger

Be Theme Burger

This pre-built website is destined for a burger delivery or other catering service. The hip design could almost be described as “tasty”. The structure focuses on displaying the products and converting the user.

Be Sports club

Be Theme Sports Club

Any gym, sports club, or fitness facility would love to have a website featuring a modern design like this one. Parallax effects have been integrated into the page; plus, the home page has a neat fade-in animation.

Be Hotel2

Be Theme Hotels

If you’re in the hotel business, what could be better than a website whose images practically compel a viewer to pick up the phone and make a reservation? All the relevant sections are included in this pre-built website.

Be Restaurant

Be Theme Restaurant

This dashing-looking design becomes even more dynamic with help of a slide;, a design technique that was also used to great effect in the previous pre-built website. This is a great choice if uniqueness is important.

Be Architect 2

Be Theme Architect

The hero view alone tells you that Be Architect 2 can serve as the foundation for an extremely engaging website. Any client who buys into it has invested in a sure winner.

Be Boutique

Be Theme Boutique

Be Boutique demonstrates how to use a background video in the hero section to great effect. This website structure places an emphasis on your work by enabling you to present an amazing portfolio.


Be Theme VPN

An IT business must be well structured; but there’s no rule that says it can’t be friendly, as clearly indicated in this pre-built website that features a definite corporate look; but with a casual twist.

Be Oculist

Be Theme Oculist

When you’re working in front of a computer, like you’re doing now, chances are that a visit to an ophthalmologist is in your future. Websites for this niche are typically horrible. You can fix that.

Be Furniture

Be Theme Furniture

This great looking design, complete with slider, large images, a slideshow and carefully constructed page layouts, will get your project off to a quick start if you have a client who sells furniture.

Be Car

Be Theme Car

An impressive hero image lends a look of luxury and elegance to this pre-built website. There is plenty of white space, and a superb choice of colors.

Be Tea

Be Theme Tea

Be Tea provides an excellent starting point for a tea shop’s website. Note how the clever use of typography, combined with the vintage look and luxurious color range creates a minimalist, luxurious vibe.

2) Maintain a Regular Schedule

Freelancers work without direct supervision; making it easy to slack off. If you set a schedule, it provides you with a structure to work to, and it helps to keep you motivated. It’s particularly important to avoid online distractions once you sit down to work. Once you’ve established a daily rhythm, which could take a few weeks, you can begin to set reasonable expectations for what you can accomplish day to day. Make sure to schedule sufficient downtime to keep fresh and avoid burnout.

3) Set Clear Boundaries

You may find it all too easy to allow your work habits to blend in with your home life. If you allow that to happen, both may suffer. If you can, set aside a separate space for work, and make yourself off limits during your scheduled working hours. Don’t be afraid to stop working and get on with your home life if you’re in the middle of something. You’ll usually find it easy to pick up where you left off, since you’ll know where you’re headed.

4) Take Regular Breaks

Giving your brain a periodic rest is a productivity booster. The Pomodoro technique (also known as the tomato theory) involves taking periodic short breaks during a long work session. These breaks can be up to as much as 15 minutes for every 45 to 50 minutes of work. One study found a 17-minute break following 52 minutes of work to be about optimum. Don’t worry; it won’t slow you down. If anything, it will increase your output. Your brain is an energy hog that needs a rest from time to time, and it will thank you for giving it one.

Summing Up

Do These:

  • Enjoy the advantages of using Be Theme’s 250+ pre-built websites.
  • Make a schedule, and stick to it.
  • Review your accomplishments at the end of each day. It will keep you motivated.
  • Create a space dedicated to work; let your family know you’re unavailable during working hours.

Don’t Do These:

  • Try to work straight through the day without taking breaks. Doing so will hurt your productivity, and take the edge off your motivation.
  • Isolate yourself; seek out like-minded individuals and colleagues and talk shop.
  • Neglect to check in regularly with bosses, colleagues, or clients.

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