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The Advantages of Using Pre-Made Layouts over Wireframes

Even with a little expertise and the right tools, creating a wireframe rendition of a web page is still a time-consuming activity, and a complete wireframe can only emulate the real thing to a certain degree.

  1. A conceptual design must be in place before the wireframing can be initiated. A conceptual design is already embedded in a pre-made payout, and only needs to be edited.
  2. Design sketches have to be transferred onto a grid before a wireframe can be constructed. With a layout, once a grid is selected, the transfer is automatic, and sketches are unnecessary.
  3. An advanced website designer can construct a wireframe in a reasonably short time. A novice designer can build a working website page in a much shorter time, and often with superior results.

The bottom line: Pre-made layouts offer a much faster approach, and unlike a wireframe, they seamlessly evolve into a finished product.



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Pre-made Layouts are Productivity Enhancers

Because a conceptual design is already in place, and since the steps involved in transforming a layout into a finished web page are almost always easier and faster than attempting to accomplish the same task using wireframing, your productivity is bound to increase. By switching over to using pre-made layouts, you can still take whatever time you feel you need to work specific details, but instead of fighting to meet a deadline, you will find that you have time to spare. Your clients will be pleased with the quick turnaround times you will be able to commit to.

It takes but a Click to Install One of Be Theme’s 130+ Premade Layouts


You could pick any of Be Theme’s 130+ pre-made layouts at random, and with a little editing create the exact user experience you are looking for. You will get off to a much faster start however by browsing the complete selection to find the best fit. This process is at least an order of magnitude faster than the time it takes to sketch out a preliminary design and construct a very basic wireframe model. With a layout, you already have your conceptual design, and you are ready to start page building.

The video demonstrates just how easy it is to get started. It takes but a little over a   minute to watch, and it shows you how rapidly you can take a layout, edit an image here, add content there, and change the location of a design element or two to produce a web page that may still need some polishing, but one that is nearly ready to be published.

You can’t build a page that quickly without the use of a pre-made layout to get you off to a fast start.

The reason is simple. The features and functions you need are either embedded in the layout or can be added or changed, a click at a time, during the page building process. The tools you have to work with, including an options or admin panel, make keeping track of your efforts a simple task. Be Theme keeps track for you. The net result is a web page, or an entire website, that is not only ready to be delivered to your client in a relatively short amount of time, but one that is equal or better in its quality of appearance and its functionality than most anything you have been able to produce in the past.

Customer Support – There if You Need It

Be Theme is delightfully easy and intuitive to use, and you may never have to contact customer support. As you learn more, and try different things however, you will most likely have a few questions. Some answers are in the User Manuals, the easy-to-follow Video Tutorials, or documented in the Forums, a place where users share their experiences. If you need to contact a real, live problem solver however, there will always be a support staff member who is ready and able to provide a prompt answer, solution, or recommendation. The Be Theme support staff is one of the best in the business, and it is one of the driving forces behind Be’s widespread popularity.


The Core Features

It may come as a bit of a surprise to discover that the 130+ premade layouts feature is not listed among Be’s two dozen Core Features. The reason for this is simple. These layouts stand alone. They are the main feature; the one that is most closely identified with Be Theme. The Base Grid and 17 Customizable Header Styles aren’t included either, but it’s these three features that more than anything that get your project off to a brisk start.


Be has every feature you are ever likely to us. To build web pages quickly and easily, you can select either Muffin Builder, which really shines when complex pages are needed, or Visual Composer, a long-time favorite of many web designers. You can try them both and see which one you like best. It may not be an easy decision to make.

Two other core features, the Muffin Options Panel and the Layouts Configurator make website building a nearly seamless activity, and add variety to you pages, respectively. Your website won’t look as if every page was created from the same template, giving you high marks for creativity.

Parallax effect and video and custom backgrounds, together with a shortcode generator, will take you far beyond what you can accomplished by wireframing. Visit the website to find out more what these, and the other 20 or so core features bring to the table. You will be impressed.



A Genuine Time Saver – From Day One

It bears repeating – take a few minutes to browse Be Theme’s website. If what has been shown here hasn’t yet convinced you of the benefits pre-made layouts present that wireframing does not, the information provided on the website certainly will. What you will discover the first time you put this premier WordPress theme to use, is that you will be able to create several high-quality web pages in the time it would normally take to sketch out a conceptual design and begin fabricating a basic wireframe model. You and your clients will definitely notice an uptick in your productivity.


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